1. “Missions” chapter in the “Oxford Handbook of Early Evangelicalism” edited by Jonathan Yeager. 2022
2. “The 1921 Founding of the International Missionary Council in the Life of John R. Mott,” International Review of Mission, Vol 111, no. 2, November 2022.

Associate Professor of Christian Mission
School of Theology
1. The chapter I wrote for the Oxford Handbook of Early Evangelicalism is a survey of 18th century evangelical mission work on three continents (India, Caribbean, and South Africa). The chapter begins with an Isaac Watts hymn and ends with a hymn by Ntsikana, the first modern African theologian.
2. I wrote this article on Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1946) John R. Mott to help the International Missionary Council (IMC) celebrate its centenary. It is an examination of the pivotal life changes Mott was experiencing in 1921. Mott was a key organizer of world Christian movements in the early 20th century.