Michael J. Paulus, Jr., and Michael D. Langford, ed.s., AI, Faith, and the Future: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick Publications, 2022)

Dean of the Library and Assistant Provost for Educational Technology
Artificial intelligence is rapidly and radically changing our lives and world. This book is a multidisciplinary engagement with the present and future impacts of AI from the standpoint of Christian faith. It provides technological, philosophical, and theological foundations for thinking about AI, as well as a series of reflections on the impact of AI on relationships, behavior, education, work, and moral action. The book serves as an accessible introduction to AI as well as a guide to wise consideration, design, and use of AI by examining foundational understandings and beliefs from a Christian perspective.
Publisher’s site: https://wipfandstock.com/9781666703467/ai-faith-and-the-future/
Open access site: https://digitalcommons.spu.edu/open_books/3/