Fossum, J. L. & Montoya, A. K. (in press). When to Use a Different Test for Power Analysis and Data…

Karen A. Snedker
Snedker, K. A., Fredriks, A., & Nye, E. (2022). Counting Tents: Pedagogical Reflections on Faculty–Student Collaboration in a Real-World Project…

Tucker Goodman
Goodman, Tucker. Scenic Design for Carmen by Georges Bizet. Directed by Helen SoHyun Park, conducted by Douglas Kinney Frost, Butler…

Matthew A. Benton
Matthew A. Benton and Jonathan L. Kvanvig, eds. Religious Disagreement and Pluralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 (in UK; 2022…

Joshua C. Tom
1. Vaughan, K., Park, J. Z., Tom, J. C., & Yilmaz, M. (2022). “Damned If You Do, Damned If You…

Kristine Alatheia Mensonides Gritter
Boerman, Cornell, W., Vriend Van Duinen, D., Mensonides Gritter, K.A., & Bian, X. (2022). Young Adult Literature and Spirituality: How…

Rebekah L. H. Rice
1. Rice, Rebekah L. H. Death and Persistence, Cambridge University Press, May 2022. 2. Rice, Rebekah L. H. “Divine Simplicity,”…

Jennifer McKinney
McKinney, Jennifer. 2023. Making Christianity Manly Again: Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill Church, and American Evangelicalism. New York: Oxford University Press.…

Michael J. Paulus, Jr.
Michael J. Paulus, Jr., and Michael D. Langford, ed.s., AI, Faith, and the Future: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick…