Project Definition
The Medicine Monitor is designed to be an optimally customizable medicine dispenser. The device features two types of dispensing systems for pill and liquid medicine, and is housed inside of a modified mini refrigerator, with a user interface system that will be built into the door/external walls.
- The system will be able to secure internal medicinal supplies from external access unless appropriate clearance is granted.
- The system will be able to disperse the users selected medicine based on the user interface.
- The device will store and dispense a variety of medicinal needs, both solid storage and liquid storage customizable to the user.
- The device will have minimal external features (power supply, user interface, covered wiring) outside fridge environment
- The device will continue to operate in the event of a disconnect from wall outlet.
- The device will be able to operate with minimal maintenance and repair.
- The system will be operable with ease by an inexperienced user.
Specifications Codes
Code | Specification | Threshold | Objective | Validation |
SF001 | Battery Life | >2 hours | > 8hours | Trial run, stopwatch, Multimeter. n=10 trial. |
SF002 | Notify Caregiver | Notify within 5 minutes of incident | Notify within 1 minute of incident | Trial runs, separate timer. n=25 trials |
SF003 | Medicine Spillage/Displacement | <25% | =0% | Trial Run, Medicine Counting. n=20 trials. |
SF004 | Locked Door Access | No access with Bare hands | No access with Leverage Tool | Trial Run, Stopwatch |
SF005 | Electrical Safety | No external access | N/A | Trial Run, Visual Observation |
SF006 | Cleanability | Will provide a set of instructions | N/A | Trial runs using instruction manual |
UI001 | Light and Sound Alerts | Lights | Lights and sound | Trial runs and recording results |
UI002 | Display | Display day and time on screen | Display day, time, and other notifications | Trial run on software and firmware |
UI003 | Adjustable Schedule | >=1 dispense time(s) every day | 3 dispense times, variable days | 10 Trials runs each, observation of program output |
DF001 | Internal Dispensers | Liquid medication fits inside fridge | All dispensers fit inside fridge | Testing if dispensers fit/function with locks secure, n=30 trials |
DF002 | Cost | <$1350 | <$750 | Recording and budgeting |
DF003 | Weight | Shall not exceed 100 lbs. | Should not exceed 55 lbs. | Scale |
DF004 | Storage | Store 1 of each medication | Store 3 of each medication | Measurement and observation |
DF005 | Customization | Ability to hold any medicine pill | N/A | Observation. |
DF006 | Dimensions | Between width of 13cm and height 13cm, and width of 65cm and height of 90cm | N/A | Measurement, tape measurer |
RL001 | Dispense Success | 80% Success | 100% Success | Trial Run, 30 dispensing routines |
RL002 | Temperature | 35-42 F ° | 37-40 F ° | Thermometer in multiple spots |
RL003 | Dispensation Time | Dispense within 3 minutes of scheduled time | Dispense within one minute of scheduled time | Trial runs, observation using stopwatch |
RL004 | Grab Tray | Dispense into grab tray with 90-100% accuracy | Dispense into grab tray with 95-100% accuracy | Trial runs, observation on proper medication dispensed. n=30 trials. |
RL005 | Dispensability | Combo drop of 2 pills | Combo Drops of 3 Pills | n=30 trials |
Detailed Specifications

1.Safety (SF)
One of the most important features in the Medicine Monitor is safety. This device will be dispensing pharmaceutical grade medicine, so it is extremely important to properly manage this medicine, as well as keep it out of reach to those who may try to abuse the medicine. Our goal is to create a dispenser that can operate under many circumstances and can withstand break-in attempts.
SF001 – Battery Life
The dispensation system shall be able to run the internal dispensation features continuously for 2 hours and should run for 8 hours on backup battery power in case of disconnected main power supply (this applies to everything with exception of the refrigeration system). In case of a power outage or flickering, it is important to make sure the programmed schedule doesn’t reset. This will be supported via a battery to keep the dispensation system running. Testing will include running the device on battery power and measuring the drain time using a stopwatch for n=10 trials, as well as measuring the max power in drawn in one hour for n=10 trials. We will also verify the capacity for constant power consumption weighed against the rated battery life.
SF002 – Notify Caregiver
The system shall have a way to remotely notify a caregiver in case of any irregularities in the system within 5 minutes and should notify within 1 minute. To mitigate the risk of a user or other individual from improperly accessing the potentially dangerous medicines in the system, and to inform the caregiver that the system has been depowered, run out of medicine, or had its refrigeration fail, a caregiver must be given the ability to know about irregularities as they occur. Testing will consist of a trial of sending the signal for each type of error to a remote device, then timing the response time from the device using a separate timer (n=25 trials).
SF003 – Medicine Spillage/Displacement
When shaken or transported, the system shall be able to be internally secure medicine with under 25% of the medicine becoming displaced and should be able to be internally secure medicine with 0% of the medicine being displaced. Having the ability to keep medicine in their designated slots during transport/movement of system will ensure accuracy and safety of medicine that is being dispensed. Because the user will not be able to access internal contents, there needs to be confidence that the medicine will not be displaced at any time. This will be measured through a series of tests where a set amount of medicine is placed into the Medicine Monitor, and the user transports the device (floor à table/cars à floor with minor shaking, tip up to 10 degrees for transportation After the transport is finished, the machine will be opened, and the displaced medicine percentage will be recorded (n=20 trials). Tests will also occur for attempted break-ins (tipping 90 degrees, flipping a full rotation and shaking of the fridge), where displaced medicine will be recorded (n=20 trials).
SF004 – Locked Door Access
When locking system is enabled, user shall NOT be able to open the door with their bare hands, and user should NOT be able to open the door with a leverage tool (crowbar, hammer, etc.). Opening the door is defined as breaking the seal and opening the door wider than 1 inch (about the size a hand could fit through). This is important in ensuring that the medicine is securely stored in the unit to prevent unauthorized access and potential drug overdose. This specification will be tested by activating the locking system and doing trial runs for individuals attempting to access the inner contents of the unit with 2 minutes maximum with their bare hands (n=30 trials, at least 5 different people). Based on the results, an analysis of the effectiveness of break-ins using tools.
SF005 – Electrical Safety
No user will be able to access circuitry and logic components, other than the designated user interface components, while the locking system is engaged. This ties in with locking door access but extends the measure of safety to reduce risk of shock or tampering with dispenser controls. This specification will be tested along with SF004 for door access, and also will be ensured through visual observation of the exterior to ensure that no controls are accessible other than the designated user interface controls and grab tray sensor.
SF006 – Cleanability
A set of cleaning instructions will be provided for the user to service the device. The ability to clean the Medicine Monitor will provide a safe environment to store all medicine. Allowing for the device to be safely cleaned is important for our users. With that being said, there are certain products that must be refrained from when cleaning, so our product will provide a set of cleaning instructions for the user. This will be tested by having different users (n=10 trials, at least 5 users) read the cleaning instructions to clean the device.
2. User Interactivity (UI)
To accommodate for users’ varied schedules and needs, the ability for a user to interact with the device is incredibly important. The user should be able to customize the device’s dispensation schedule to suit the schedules and medications they require, as well as be notified when necessary for convenience. A person should be able to use this device effectively without excessive instructions. Overall, we want to create a product that makes the user experience as simple and effective as possible.
UI001 – Light and Sound Alerts
The system shall alert the user to take medication via lights and should notify the user to take medication via sounds and lights. The light and sound indicator will be used to notify the patient when a medication has been dispensed. This will allow the medicine monitor to communicate and remind the patient that a medication that will aid in their health has been dispensed and needs to be taken at that time as put in the scheduling. This notification system will be important to remind patients on when a medication needs to be taken and the amount needed. We will run through testing of this specification through 25 trials of when a medication is delivered if the light and sound indicator is triggered at the same time until the medication is taken out of the grab tray.
UI002 – Display
On the front of the device (door), the user interface shall display the day/time of next scheduled dispense with other intermittent alerts and should display the day/time of next scheduled dispense constantly with other alerts at the same time (side by side or different displays). Signaling the user to important updates in real-time is important for ensuring an easy and simple user experience. Intermittent alerts may include but are not limited to “Door Open”, “Temperature Alert”, “Needs Service”. This specification will be measured through a software, firmware trial runs (n=25), in which the display will be visually monitored to ensure that the day/time is clearly visible at least once every ten seconds.
UI003 – Adjustable Schedule (note: RL005 for details on medicine combinations)
The system shall allow for programmable daily medicine dispensation at least 1 time and should allow for programmable daily dispensation at least 3 times. The ability to customize when to dispense medication is necessary for flexibility with a patient’s schedule and any requirements of the medication itself. Ideally, one should be able to adjust which days to take the medication as well in case of doses that are not daily. Being able to dispense three different combinations would allow for 3 different scheduled dispensing times per day. This will be tested by allowing a user to choose 3 times (on 5 days, if applicable) and having the program affirm the correct times and days (n=10 trials. More trials will be done for actual delivery on dispensation).
3.Design (DF)
The goal of the Medicine Monitor is to be as slick and compact as possible while being able to provide a variety of needs to the user. The unit is designed with space in mind so that the medicinal supplies can be arranged to the user’s preference when in use or not. Being a small unit with its size and weight, it is able to be relocated by a relatively healthy individual.
DF001 – Internal Dispensers
The Medicine Monitor shall be able to fit all the liquid medication dispensers inside the fridge and should fit all the liquid and dry medication dispensers inside the fridge. This specification is important to make sure all of the dispensers used for our system all fit inside the fridge. This is vital for the liquid medication that needs to be kept at a specific temperature, but also for security as well to be sure the patient does not have access to medication that isn’t dispensed from the medicine monitor. This will be tested through n=30 trials and we will be recording if the dispensers are able to fit with the lock activated and continue to dispense properly.
DF002 –Cost
The overall cost of the Medicine Monitor to produce shall not exceed $1350 and should not exceed $750. Budgeting for the medicine monitor is important to be sure we do not exceed the budget we are expected to produce our project. We will monitor this specification by recording and budgeting what has been spent for the system and looking ahead to make sure planned parts that will be purchased in the future is accounted for and does not exceed the budget provided.
DF003 –Weight
The Medicine Monitor shall not exceed 100 pounds and should not exceed 55 pounds. The device should be light enough so that users who travel frequently could bring it along. This can be achieved by considering choices of materials and components of all the systems. This can be weighed by using a scale.
DF004 –Storage
The Medicine Monitor shall be able to provide storage for at least one of each non-loaded medications and should provide storage for at least three non-loaded medications. The device will have the ability to hold extra medicinal supplies stored internally to be loaded in dispensing systems when needed, as well as the ability to refrigerate such items. A desired minimum square inch of internal storage should be 3in height X 5in width and 3in depth. Testing will include measurement of storage space on how much can be stored and verified via visual observation.
DF005 – Customization
The Dispensers will be able to hold Pills and Liquids with prefilled vials of their choice. The device can be filled with medicine that is able to fit in each separate pill slot and liquid slot. User can verify by observation.
DF006 – Dimensions
The external size dimensions of the fridge will remain between the width of 13in and height 13in, and a width of 25in and height of 75in. Having a fridge that is small enough to fit into a patient’s home is important. The Medicine Monitor should be the size of a minifridge or wine cooler. This will be tested by using a tape measurer to measure the height and width of the Medicine Monitor’s final product.
4.Reliability (RL)
Similarly, to the safety features, it is extremely important for the user to receive the correct medication, at the correct time with accuracy and reliability. Our goal is to create a dispenser that replaces the job of a daily caregiver. In order to do this, the Medicine Monitor needs to be as accurate as an individual who would otherwise take care of the user.
RL001 – Dispense Success
User shall receive the correct medication in full amount with at least 80% success rate and should receive the correct medication in full amount with 100% success rate. Success is defined as the user receiving all correct medication at the scheduled time. This will ensure the system dispenses the necessary medicine at the appropriate time, which is vital for the functionality of the dispenser. Testing will be performed by implementing a series of 30 dispense routines in succession and evaluating whether it was successful at each interval using physical confirmation.
RL002 –Temperature
The system’s liquid medicine storage shall remain between the temperature range of 35 degrees Fahrenheit and 42 degrees Fahrenheit and should remain between the temperature range of 37 degrees Fahrenheit and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is important because the temperature must always stay at the appropriate temperature range to store and preserve medicine, especially the liquid form. This can be achieved by using the right insulating material. The material will be chosen based on heat transfer properties and cost. Testing will include using the thermometer to measure the temperature multiple times.
RL003-Dispensation Time
The system shall dispense correct medication within three minutes of the desired dispensing time and should dispense the correct medication within one minute of the desired dispensing time. While accuracy on what kind of medicine is being dispensed is important, it is also important that the medicine is dispensed within a desired window of the scheduled time. This specification will ensure that accuracy of pill dispensation includes receiving medicine on time. Testing will be performed by implementing a series of n= 30 dispense routines and using a stopwatch each time to measure the difference between the scheduled dispense times and the actual dispense times.
RL004-Grab Tray
The grab tray shall properly store dispensed medicine and allow for the user to access dispensed medicine between 90-100% of the time and should properly dispense medicine 95-100% of the time. Properly dispensed medicine into the grab tray includes medicine that falls from the liquid or pill medicine dispensers into the grab tray and do not get stuck or displaced. The user being able to grab medicine is crucial to the product working. Testing will be analyzed through a series of trials performing n=30 dispensing routines in succession and evaluating whether medicine was successfully dropped each time and if the user can grab the medicine.
RL005 – Dispensability
The dry dispensing system shall be capable of dispensing at least 2 different combinations of pills and
should be capable of dispensing at least 3 different combinations of pills for each scheduled dispensation time. One combination is considered one “slot” in a singular dispenser. Each combination will be set for different times of day according to the schedule, which will accommodate a user who needs different amounts of medicine in the morning and at night. Being able to dispense three different combinations would allow for 3 different scheduled dispensing times per day, all with the possibility of different pill combinations. System will be measured via slots 1-8 and a dispersion will occur with any two combination slots. This capability will be proven by the ability to dispense and deliver set combinations of pills through (n=30 trials).