Course Outcomes

The outcomes for both WRI 1000 and 1100 draw upon the Council of Writing Program Administrator’s Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition, approved 17 July 2014.  See also WPA: Writing Program Administration,vol. 38, no. 1, fall 2014, pp. 129-43.

Outcomes for both courses are offered here to show the sequence from 1000 to 1100.  

At the end of each course, students will be able to:

WRI 1000WRI 1100
Rhetorical KnowledgeDemonstrate understanding of the relationship between writer, reader, text, culture, and medium in various genres of academic writing (summary, paraphrase, synthesis, argument, analysis, and narrative)Understand and use the appropriate types of writing (genres) that communicate knowledge and ideas in this discipline
Critical InquiryAsk good questions of the texts they read and write, attending especially to relationships between assertion and evidence, to patterns of organization, and to the interplay of verbal and nonverbal elements Understand and use the kinds of questions, problems, and evidences that are important in this discipline

Locate, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and use disciplinary research materials both primary and secondary
ProcessPractice flexible strategies for reading, drafting, revising, and editing textsDevelop a researched writing project through multiple drafts, using writing as a tool for the discovery, refinement, and communication of ideas
ConventionsNegotiate the conventions of academic writing, including grammar, spelling, and citation, exploring the concerns that motivate each Produce writing that is suitable for the field, occasion, or genre in its use of claims, evidence, structure, diction, and citation

Understand how conventions for structure, style, and citation vary among genres in this discipline