SPU LGBTQIA+ Timeline Before 2021

This timeline records events involving human sexuality and LGBTQ+ issues at SPU from the 1990s until January 2021.

Controversy Erupts Over Human Sexuality Course

In 1990 and 1991, some SPU students object to the…
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SPU Statement on Human Sexuality Composed, 1993

SPU President Curtis Martin commissions a “Statement on Human Sexuality”…
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Statement on Human Sexuality Revised

With the help of select faculty, the administration revises SPU’s…
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Statement on Human Sexuality Available Online

As preparation for the Equality Ride visit in April 2007,…
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Equality Ride Comes to SPU’s Campus

Equality Ride, an offshoot of the national interfaith social justice…
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Students Organize “Haven” and Apply for Club Status, but Are Denied

Students organize a “Gay/Straight Alliance” group and apply to the…
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Haven Club Status Denied a Second Time

Haven rewrites the proposed club constitution to affirm the “Lifestyle…
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Administration Prohibits Haven from Celebrating Communion on Day of Silence

Throughout the 2008-09 academic year, Haven meets weekly on campus…
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Students Include Haven in Communion Service in Martin Square

Student leaders from across campus organize a communion service in…
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Haven Barred from Campus

The administration informs Haven they can no longer reserve space…
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Haven Persists in Meeting on Campus

In December 2009, Haven informs the administration that they will…
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Administration Attempts to Dissolve Haven

The Vice President of Academic Affairs informs Haven that “Haven…
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Faculty Support Haven

A letter of support for Haven, signed by more than…
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Haven Recognized by University

The SPU Vice President for Academic Affairs tells Haven and…
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Haven Prevented from Participating in Involve-O-Rama

Haven leaders are not allowed to participate in Involve-O-Rama (an…
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Haven Becomes Official ASSP Student Club

The Vice President of Student Life informs Haven leaders that…
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ASSP Student Senate Requests Changes to “Statement on Human Sexuality”

The ASSP Student Senate approves a student proposal requesting the…
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