Two SPU Trustees Bring Resolution to the Free Methodist Church

Sometime after the LGBTQIA+ Work Group presentation on April 22, two SPU BOT members who are also members of the Free Methodist Church USA Board of Administration bring a resolution to the FMC BOA. The FMC BOA passes the resolution and subsequently informs AFMEIs on May 5, 2022, that

Any AFMEI institution that alters their hiring policy to permit the hiring of individuals living a lifestyle inconsistent with the Free Methodist Book of Discipline’s teachings on sexual purity will be considered to have disaffiliated with the denomination and will not be considered for any level of affiliation as long as this hiring policy is in place.  This policy is considered to be in effect from this date until the next General Conference.  A motion will be presented to the General Conference to clarify language in our Book of Discipline regarding the AFMEI and our commitments to one another.