LGBTQIA+ Work Group Initiated

The formation of the LGBTQIA+ Work Group is announced. The group, formed according to shared governance principles, consists of four faculty members selected by Faculty Council, four Board members selected by the Board Chair and Interim President (who are also ex officio members), and four staff/senior leadership members selected by the Provost. The group membership represents a broad range of personal stances on LGBTQ issues. In light of this group’s shared-governance work, the Faculty LGBTQIA+ Task Force, formed on May 6, 2021, suspends its engagement with the Board.

The LGBTQIA+ Work Group’s charge (presented to the whole community four months later, on May 10, 2022) is to answer the following questions: In the face of diverse perspectives, what options might create a shared direction regarding sexual conduct expectations and employment policy (specifically with respect to LGBTQIA+ individuals) within a Free Methodist Christian context, and how do these potential options align with SPU’s mission and Statement of Faith? In the face of diverse perspectives, what options might be considered to strengthen community, value and respect all people, and remain true to the SPU mission and faith values?